The NTC Global Technology Growth Index (PILTECHX)
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North Tech Capital is your gateway to outperforming Wall Street with our deep domain knowledge and high-quality portfolio management skills.
With the North Tech Capital Global Technology Index (PILTECHX), you can make best-in-class investment decisions, manage risk, and seize opportunities in the global technology ecosystem.
Join the long-term investors and capture the exponential growth of the global technology ecosystem.
North Tech Capital’s deep insight into the global technology space will give you a unique edge for a market-beating active strategy, enabling you to embrace the opportunities that the tech landscape has to offer.
The index is inclusive of total returns – dividends and other returns will be reinvested into the index or held as “cash value” until the next rebalancing date. The index return does not account for fees or tax withholding.
Index description
- Ticker: PILTECHX
- Inception date: 19th January 2024
- Weighting: Custom
- # of holdings: 15
Developed by David Thomas, The North Tech Capital Technology Growth Index is a discretionary index with an emphasis on large-cap tech.
Businesses included will have recorded consistent earnings growth for extended periods and have a catalyst to unlock future growth to be included in the index.
Our expertise in the large-cap tech space enables us to identify and include outperformers as a priority, whilst our risk-management strategies ensure the value of the index is protected during market corrections.
The index is actively managed.
The North Tech Capital Global Technology Growth Index is designed to take advantage of the exponential growth of large-cap tech stocks. Our research is directed at finding and including the best-performing businesses in the index with the innovation to pursue higher rates of growth.
We apply fundamental and technical analysis to the universe of stocks that fit our circle of competence and take prominent positions in businesses that exhibit the best growth potential.
Index creator
David Thomas is a large-cap tech investor and active index developer with over 15 years of experience.
For complete access to the index, its constituents, trade alerts and more click here.